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Stellar Cosmic Psychotherapy
with the application of Reiki Om Luz - Cosmic Healing

It is a Therapeutic Technique developed by Mary Maryah and Margareth Ananda, co-creators of Instituto Om Luz, which aims to act in the awakening of consciousness for the development of self-love, self-healing and self-knowledge, within a cosmic and multidimensional vision. Its main goal is to lead people to discover their life purpose in this world, trying to answer the following questions:

  • Why am I here?

  • Where did I come from?

  • Where I go?

  • What is my true stellar origin?

  • What teachings and healings do I need to go through in this world to return to my Cosmic Home?

  • How can I free myself from earthly material karma?

Among other topics relevant to your spiritual evolution.

This technique represents the combination of various metaphysical knowledge acquired along the evolutionary path of Mary Maryah and Margareth Ananda, whose materials are printed in the three Reiki Modules Om Luz – Cosmic Healing.

During the therapeutic process, the person can take these courses. Being able to apply this healing energy to yourself, in your family, professional environment, among others, with a view to balancing various situations that arise in your life, according to the Evolutionary Purpose of your Soul.

After completing the courses, the person can choose to follow up with Mary Maryah and/or Margareth Ananda, in order to deepen and strengthen their self-healing.


In this therapy, it is assumed that all people living on planet Earth came from other stellar and planetary systems. Your stay in the earthly orb has the following purposes: to evolve, learn and harmonize your spirit in your family, conjugal, professional and social environment and to develop a more peaceful, loving life with everything and everyone. Above all, this technique helps people to understand and put into practice the sacred teachings of the Universe that the Supreme Father Christ-Jesus-Samana taught when he was here: LOVE, FORGIVENESS, COMPASSION AND MERCY!

Stellar Cosmic Psychotherapy with the performance of Reiki Om Luz- Cosmic Healing is a combination of physical and metaphysical knowledge that helps human beings to free themselves from contracts, pacts and spiritual bonds of the past, present and future timeline, of experiences. in this world and others, which more consciously generate mental, emotional and spiritual patterns that imprison them in personal, social, family, marital and professional environments that generate fears, sadness, suffering, guilt, illusions, imbalances and disharmonies in various aspects known and unknown to all.

  • Greater expansion of your consciousness in relation to your stellar origin and your healing and self-healing process on planet Earth;


  • Greater clarity and awareness of your evolutionary condition on this planet, with regard to how to conduct your healing in personal, family, marital and professional environments in a peaceful and loving way;


  • Significant improvement of mental, emotional and spiritual patterns that generate different types of disturbances such as fears, depression, suffering, physical pain, sadness, anguish, anxiety, among others, whose situations tend to trigger problems in daily life and impair the balance between material, financial and spiritual life;


  • Alignment and gradual redefinition in relation to your professional, family, personal and spiritual projects according to your Soul Purpose, promoting your well-being and giving direction to your soul destiny and everyone who is part of your coexistence.

Our plans
  • Sócio Terapia Avulsa

    Sócio Terapia com aplicação do Reiki Om Luz
    Valid for one month
    • Uma sessão ao mês
    • Mercado Pago - Mary Maryah
    • PagSeguro - Margareth Ananda
  • SócioTerapia Quinze

    Sócio Terapia com aplicação do Reiki Om Luz
    Valid for one month
    • Duas sessões ao mês
    • Mercado Pago - Mary Maryah
    • PagSeguro - Margareth Ananda
  • SócioTerapia Semanal

    Sócio Terapia com aplicação do Reiki Om Luz
    Valid for one month
    • Quatro sessões ao mês
    • Mercado Pago - Mary Maryah
    • PagSeguro - Margareth Ananda
  • SócioTerapi Familiar

    Sócio Terapia com Aplicação do Reiki Om Luz
    Valid for one month
    • Quatro Sessões ao mês por Familiar
    • Sessões Semanais
    • Mercado Pago - Mary Maryah
    • PagSeguro - Margareth Ananda
  • SócioTerapi Familiar

    Sócio Terapia com Aplicação do Reiki Om Luz
    Valid for one month
    • Duas Sessões ao mês por Familiar
    • Sessão Quinzenal
    • Mercado Pago - Mary Maryah
    • PagSeguro - Margareth Ananda
  • SócioTerapi Familiar

    Sócio Terapia com Aplicação do Reiki Om Luz
    Valid for one month
    • Uma Sessão ao mês por familiar
    • Sessão Mensal
    • Mercado Pago - Mary Maryah
    • PagSeguro - Margareth Ananda
  • RegressãoTerapêutica

    Sessão de Regressão de 4hs aproximadamente
    Valid for one month
    • Uma Regressão Terapêutica
    • Incluído Sessão de Pós Regressão de 1hora aproximadamente
Service Information
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This Therapeutic Technique, for PRESENTIAL CARE, consists of an orientation of approximately 1 hour and 30 minutes. Soon after, the application of Reiki Om Luz - Cosmic Healing is made, lasting approximately 30 minutes.

Every night, at 21:30, the person who performed this service receives an energy boost through the sending of Reiki Om Luz - The Cosmic Healing, to strengthen their therapeutic and healing process. Each one will be committed to putting themselves in prayer and meditation, suggested in the sessions, and/or other forms of spiritual connection that they feel comfortable, starting at the recommended time.

For ONLINE SERVICES, it consists of an orientation of 1 hour and 30 minutes to 2 hours approximately. To apply Reiki Om Luz – Cosmic Healing, the person chooses to receive the energy between 6:00 am, 1:00 pm or 9:30 pm, to be defined in the therapeutic session.

On the day of the session, the professional you chose to perform the service (Mary Maryah or Margareth Ananda) will keep in touch via video call through Meet, Skype, Messenger or WhatsApp (chosen during the session scheduling).


During the application of Reiki Om Luz - Cosmic Healing at a distance, the person should be at rest, listening to soft music, in an environment where they can be relaxed and not interrupted for 1 hour. For those who have taken the courses and have the meditation conducted for self-service, you can use this meditation at the time of applying the energy.


To intensify the process of self-knowledge and expansion of consciousness, it is recommended to follow therapeutic videos, astrological guidelines, weekly reflections and meditations on the Youtube Channel.


You may wish to carry out the Reiki Om Luz Course - The Cosmic Healing online or in person, Therapeutic Workshops, Study Cycles, Om Luz Florals and Om Luz Aromatizers in our Store, which can help you even more in the process. of self-healing.


RETURN POLICY: when purchasing a single session or packages, you have a period of 30 days to carry them out. If the person does not perform the consultations in this period and has not requested rescheduling, the sessions are counted as performed and the resource is not returned, once the time has been reserved.

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