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Terapia Reiki
Therapeutic Guidance and Application Reiki Om Luz
Cosmic Healing and Therapeutic Guidance

It consists of a therapeutic modality that works in the harmonization and balance of the subtle bodies that shape the human-spiritual psyche of the human being on planet Earth. It acts in cellular atomic stabilization and in the 32, 72 or 144 bodies that the human soul sustains on Earth, in the Solar System - Milky Way and in the Universe of Nebadon. Because the Reiki Om Luz Therapy assumes that all incarnated souls are stellar and multidimensional beings, which are going through denser physical experiences, and many have lost the awareness of their stellar origin.

In this planetary moment of spiritual ascension on a galactic and cosmic level, the technique Reiki Om Luz - Cosmic Healing favors the release of memories of pain, suffering and illusions, both from the Earth's electromagnetic field and from various stellar systems where the human soul has other unfoldings of their bodies and needs to leave this field of energy, returning to their abode and cosmic family.

Reiki Om Luz in the year 2019 entered the role of Cosmic Healing, under the regency of the Intraterrestrial, Intraoceanic, Extraplanetary and Supraphysical Temples, which are coordinated by Suprahuman Divine Hierarchies.  It has the energy anchoring of the 72 God Codes, Celestial Human Race - Angelic, Adam Kadmom, in direct connection with the Father-Mother Creators of this Divine Project of Love, which are known in their unfolding on Earth by Angels, Archangels and Elohins. . They are also called Elders of Days and Sidereal Engineers, who are supporting the Operation Rescue and Earth Alignment with Venus - Sirius project, with a view to planetary and humanitarian subtlety, as well as all kingdoms: animal, plant and mineral.

  • It activates with more intensity healings in all dimensional and multidimensional levels that the human soul sustains life on this planet and in this galactic quadrant or in other sectors of this and other universes; ​

  • It enables greater expansion of consciousness towards the transcendence of the Spirit-Soul in matter, thus initiating its ascension process;


  • It promotes karmic healing in a definitive way, in various sectors of life: personal, family, marital, professional and in physical pathological situations, according to the condition of awakening of consciousness that the person accepts to be worked on by his Higher Self;


  • Reconnects the human being with their monadic family or star family and their spiritual bodies above physical reality and the earthly control matrix, through the activation of the divine codes and strands of the Celestial-Angelical Human DNA;


  • It aligns the human being with his soul purpose on this planet, enabling a lighter, peaceful, harmonious, healthy and prosperous life in material, financial and spiritual terms, following the Superior Divine Laws;


  • It promotes a psychic maturation regarding the Laws that govern the Universe - especially the Law of Action and Reaction, using them for its harmonious and peaceful evolutionary process with everything and everyone.

Our plans
  • Orientação Avulsa

    Reiki Om Luz- A Cura Cósmica e Orientação Terapêutica
    Valid for one month
    • Uma sessão ao mês
    • Mercado Pago - Mary Maryah
    • PagSeguro - Margareth Ananda
  • Orientação Quinzenal

    Reiki Om Luz- A Cura Cósmica e Orientação Terapêutica
    Valid for one month
    • Duas sessões ao mês
    • Mercado Pago - Mary Maryah
    • PagSeguro - Margareth Ananda
  • Orientação Semanal

    Reiki Om Luz- A Cura Cósmica e Orientação Terapêutica
    Valid for one month
    • Quatro sessões ao mês
    • Mercado Pago - Mary Maryah
    • PagSeguro - Margareth Ananda
  • Plano Familiar Indiv

    Reiki Om Luz e Orientação Terapêutica Familiar Individual
    Valid for one month
    • Uma Orientação Mensal por Familiar
    • Mercado Pago - Mary Maryah
    • PagSeguro - Margareth Ananda
  • Plano Familiar Indiv

    Reiki Om Luz e Orientação Terapêutica Familiar Individual
    Valid for one month
    • Duas Orientações ao mês por Familiar
    • Sessões Quinzenais
    • Mercado Pago - Mary Maryah
    • PagSeguro - Margareth Ananda
  • Plano Familiar Indiv

    Reiki Om Luz e Orientação Terapêutica Familiar Individual
    Valid for one month
    • Quatro Orientações ao mês por Familiar
    • Sessões Semanais
    • Mercado Pago - Mary Maryah
    • PagSeguro - Margareth Ananda
Service Information
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This Therapeutic Technique, is performed only for PRESENTIAL SERVICES, consists of an orientation of 20 to 30 minutes approximately. Soon after, the application of Reiki Om Luz - Cosmic Healing is made, lasting approximately 30 minutes.

Every night, at 21:30, the person who performed this service receives an energy boost through the sending of Reiki Om Luz - The Cosmic Healing, to strengthen their therapeutic and healing process. Each one will be committed to putting themselves in prayer and meditation, suggested in the sessions, and/or other forms of spiritual connection that they feel comfortable, starting at the recommended time.

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