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Planeta e da Lua

What is?


The Om Luz Institute is an activity of Spiritual Service anchored by the Hierarchies of the Cosmic Christ that work with projects of Healing, Liberation, Evolution and Ascension of galactic, stellar and planet systems, under the regency of entities and Supraphysical or Suprahuman Hierarchies, following Higher Divine Laws. One of the entities that was incarnated on Earth developing this work was the Avatar Jesus. Also known as Micah, Sananda or Samana.

It is configured as a Center for the Development of Human Consciousness with a view to providing therapeutic, emotional, mental and spiritual support, triggering self-healing with love and consciousness, aiming to cooperate with people in their divine reconnection with the Higher Self and the Monad structure. .

This type of evolutionary service is indicated for all souls who are receiving divine effluvia from the Magnetic or Crystal Grid, which are configured with Cosmic and Supradimensional energy centers, which are raising the consciousness of the Planet and Humanity that is ready for the spiritual ascension under the rule of the Cosmic Christ.

This process generates alignment with the Spiritual Master that each one is, putting you on the path of your Light purpose in this world in direct juncture with your Higher Self and Monad structure.

OM LUZ INSTITUTE - Center for the Development of Human Consciousness -
It is under the direct command of the Intergalactic Confederation, by the Central Celestial Government, by the Christ Masters and Avatars - The Cosmic Healers, who are sustaining various physical, atomic and subatomic bodies and particles in deployment to Earth, through the Intraterrestrial, Intraoceanic Centers. , Extraplanetary and Supraphysical.  

The work of healing, liberation, evolution and spiritual ascension that the Om Luz Institute has proposed to do is to work with the Teams of the Planetary and Humanitarian Rescue Project in the development of various activities of an informative, orienting and therapeutic nature, with a view to precipitating frequencies healing and activation of light codes, expansion of consciousness on cosmic levels. Thus enabling the development of the spiritual mastery that each divine consciousness is, but due to planetary densification, many have forgotten their spiritual origin and their main mission in this world and in this planetary moment.

This process of developing Spiritual Mastery, activating the Divine Gifts and Attributes can be accessed by all souls living on the Earth's surface who have chosen to activate the Inner Christ energy in their subtle bodies, bringing them into a connection with their Higher Self. and its Monad structure. They are the souls considered apt for the rescue and elevation of their consciousness, which will lead them to a condition of transfer to intraterrestrial and extraplanetary or supraphysical realities, according to the evolutionary degree reached by the purifications and choices made in material life, when over many incarnations on this planetary orb.

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