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Astrological Chart
Stellar Karmic

It is a therapeutic technique developed by Mary Maryah and Margareth Ananda that combines knowledge from Traditional Karmic Astrology with Cosmic Astrology, bringing information about the stellar reality of the soul that is undergoing the evaluation of its Astrological Chart.


This map shows the main challenges that led the person to be stuck in the process of reincarnation on planet Earth, which behavioral patterns led them to reincarnate, the positive points they have to get out of this pattern and start an evolutionary path with more awareness. , balance and wisdom in conducting your rescues within the Greater Law.


THE STAR KARMIC ASTROLOGICAL MAP is an X-Ray of the Soul. It shows its evolutionary trajectory in this world under the direction of the Planets, which are considered healing cosmic energies and the 12 Constellations, which also represent spiritual frequencies that lead us to an evolution or an involution, it all depends on the karmic processes and the levels of consciousness that each one allows oneself to develop in this planetary orb.

  • Greater expansion of your consciousness in relation to your stellar origin and your healing and self-healing process on planet Earth;


  • Greater clarity and awareness of your evolutionary condition on this planet, with regard to how to conduct your healing in personal, family, marital and professional environments in a peaceful and loving way;


  • Significant improvement of mental, emotional and spiritual patterns that generate different types of disturbances such as fears, depression, suffering, physical pain, sadness, anguish, anxiety, among others, whose situations tend to trigger problems in daily life and impair the balance between material, financial and spiritual life;


  • Alignment and gradual redefinition in relation to your professional, family, personal and spiritual projects according to your Soul Purpose, promoting your well-being and giving direction to your soul destiny and everyone who is part of your coexistence.

Service Information
Our plans
  • Mapa Astrológico

    Mapa Astrológico Kármico
    Valid for one month
    • 3 a 4 horas Vídeo Orientativo
    • Link Privado do Canal do Youtube
  • Mapa de Saturno

    Gravação em Vídeo
    Valid for one month
    • Link Privado no Canal do Youtube
  • Mapa Saturno

    Documento em PDF
    Valid for one month
    • PDF com as Orientações de Saturno para 2024
Service Information
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