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Mary Maryah

In his current incarnation, he was born into a family of small farmers in the countryside of Santa Catarina. She fell ill shortly after giving birth. Remaining hospitalized for 60 days, when she was discharged from the hospital, as she was almost lifeless and there were no more human medical resources to help her. The biological parents, at the time, sought support from the prayers of an Afro-descendant elder, who lived close to the family's residence, interceding with the Divine Plan for their healing. In 3 days he recovered completely. When he was 2 years old, his biological parents moved to the urban area, Chapecó - SC, performing professional activities as workers. His family had always practiced Catholicism, but they also attended other spiritual environments, in order to seek spiritual cures and improve their financial conditions, as they had a strong tendency towards the expansion of spiritual consciousness. But this movement did not have the prosperity expected by her biological parents, making her reflect and review many spiritual and religious concepts throughout her life.

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In terms of personal life, he got married at age 28, through a process of karmic bonding, from the electromagnetic field of family ancestry. It was completed 7 years later. Afterwards, he had only one more affective bond, which lasted 1 year and 9 months. This soul also had no spiritual connection with her purposes, it was also more of a karmic dissolution to be resolved in her healing and earthly evolution. He didn't have children. From these experiences, he does not feel the need for a conjugal life and an earthly family.

Parallel to this family and personal life, he sought academic training in the Area of Applied Social Sciences - Social Work, with a Master's degree from the Federal University of Santa Catarina - UFSC, as he felt a very strong impetus for humanitarian aid and social causes. Since 1997, he has had professional experiences in the Human Resources sectors in private organizations; Health, in the hospital area and private clinics; in teaching, in Higher Education Institutions, teaching undergraduate and graduate classes at the Latu-Sensu level for professionals in Social Work, Administration, Accounting and Law. She worked in the direction and management of sustainable social projects in a non-profit organization, where she was also a founding partner. She concluded these activities 2 years later, as the spiritual life was calling her more strongly.

Parallel to this family and personal life, he sought academic training in the Area of Applied Social Sciences - Social Work, with a Master's degree from the Federal University of Santa Catarina - UFSC, as he felt a very strong impetus for humanitarian aid and social causes. Since 1997, he has had professional experiences in the Human Resources sectors in private organizations; Health, in the hospital area and private clinics; in teaching, in Higher Education Institutions, teaching undergraduate and graduate classes at the Latu-Sensu level for professionals in Social Work, Administration, Accounting and Law. She worked in the direction and management of sustainable social projects in a non-profit organization, where she was also a founding partner. She concluded these activities 2 years later, as the spiritual life was calling her more strongly.

Throughout this journey, which lasted approximately 10 years, he identified that most of the studies he sought and the life of mediumistic service he developed were not aligned with the Greater Divine Plan for his life, for the planet and humanity. For, the involutive forces acting in these spiritual places where he passed, were very dissimulated and subtle. Faced with this issue, he did not get involved with any other type of spiritual group. Remaining only in his studies and therapeutic work, which intensified from the year 2009. In 2012 he underwent a strong spiritual realignment. He began to access stellar records and information regarding his spiritual reality, the Earth and Humanity. In 2014, his earthly biological sister begins therapeutic activity together, strengthening the work in this area. In 2017, she received guidance from the Supraphysical Hierarchies that she needed to rebuild the knowledge related to the Reiki technique, a commitment she made before incarnating. As these teachings had been distorted over the eons by involutionary forces, causing people to disconnect from the true cosmic healing energy.

In 2018, he launched the Quantum Reiki Om Luz, whose material combines metaphysical studies aimed at expanding consciousness at a cosmic level, with Usui Traditional Reiki and Karuna. In the year 2020, this technique entered the role of Cosmic Healing, undergoing more energy adjustments in alignment with the Greater Divine Plan.

From this condition, the Om Luz Institute and its work move to the level of collaborator of the Supraphysical Hierarchies in Planetary and Humanitarian Healing, in the Operation Rescue Project, whose spiritual process aims to cooperate with these Divine Consciousness in planetary and humanitarian healing in the final times of the earth karma.

In conjunction with this planetary service, she also works as a Therapist at the Om Luz Institute, providing care for all people who go through deep karmic healing processes in their family, marital, personal, professional and spiritual environments. In addition to teaching the Reiki Om Luz course, in partnership with Margareth, biological sister; as well as weekly studies, lectures and therapeutic and astrological orientations on the Youtube channel.​

Margareth Ananda

Margareth Ananda (Margarete Aparecida) – In her current incarnation, she was born into a family in which her father was a worker and her mother, from home, in the city of Chapecó-SC. The gestation period was delicate and very painful, in which the biological mother spent long periods of discomfort, from the beginning to the end of the gestation, and the intensity of the indispositions and disturbances was considered abnormal for the gestational period. Through devotion to Our Lady Aparecida, a promise was made that if the pregnancy was completed, it would receive the name of this Saint, which happened. At 6 months of age, he developed rubella, in which the fever, during the incubation period of the virus, was always extreme. With the experience gained through her biological sister, Mary Maryah, who was saved through prayers and the support of an Afro-descendant elder, the parents once again held moments of prayerful surrender to cure the fever and promote the healing of this disease. pathology.

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Margareth Ananda (Margarete Aparecida) – In her current incarnation, she was born into a family in which her father was a worker and her mother, from home, in the city of Chapecó-SC. The gestation period was delicate and very painful, in which the biological mother spent long periods of discomfort, from the beginning to the end of the gestation, and the intensity of the indispositions and disturbances was considered abnormal for the gestational period. Through devotion to Our Lady Aparecida, a promise was made that if the pregnancy was completed, it would receive the name of this Saint, which happened. At 6 months of age, he developed rubella, in which the fever, during the incubation period of the virus, was always extreme. With the experience gained through her biological sister, Mary Maryah, who was saved through prayers and the support of an Afro-descendant elder, the parents once again held moments of prayerful surrender to cure the fever and promote the healing of this disease. pathology.

In terms of personal life, from an early age, he idealized finding what is popularly called a “soul mate”. I felt a call to this meeting, from which I asked in prayers for such a meeting to take place. Due to inexperience and lack of knowledge, he became emotionally involved believing that he had found what the Soul wanted. He started an affective relationship at 19 years old, got married at 24 years old, a relationship that lasted for a period of 19 years and 8 months, being concluded due to the paths having become opposites. Realizing after the completion of the cycle, that they were souls with extremely challenging karmic history and belonging to different spiritual families, without the same pattern of spiritual evolution. He didn't have children.

This experience made her perform intense purifications, following the guidelines received, preparing for the encounter with the Soul of Divine Complement, from which she has not yet manifested. It is known that there is a greater purpose to be put into practice together with the energy of Complement, which will be revealed when this meeting takes place.

He sought academic training in the area of Applied Social Sciences - Law, at the University of the West of Santa Catarina. Her experiences in this field were in the areas of Public Security, acting as a Cabinet Advisor and Public Department Manager, working for a period of 5 years with people management, bureaucratic and administrative services, always looking for the best development and improvement of the themselves, seeking to add undergraduate knowledge with metaphysical knowledge, causing labor performance to be expanded with greater balance and harmony between servers and the general population. These activities took place until 2013. She was sent to this training so that a karmic rescue could be made possible with everyone who had contact during the period at the academy, as well as in the places where she worked professionally.

She was always very devout and a practitioner of Catholicism, participating in a youth group and for a brief period, she taught catechesis classes. Around the age of 18, she had an experience that made her become more interested in spirituality. One night, while sleeping, he woke up to an intense light which lit up the entire room. At first, he was scared, because he didn't know what it was about and because of the distorted knowledge that was passed on to him about spirituality, which he imagined was not something good. This enlightened presence, sensing the hesitation, withdrew. Soon after, he realized that it could be a spiritual experience, and he began to pray, asking that he manifest himself once again, asking for forgiveness for the doubt and ignorance manifested at that moment. Some time later, she began to show a lot of heat in her hands, moments of premonition, she began to feel the presence of beings, to have revealing dreams, to develop intuition, among other manifestations, which led her to the search for spiritual teachings through the spiritist doctrine. , and courses in the holistic area from 2009 onwards.

She was always very devout and a practitioner of Catholicism, participating in a youth group and for a brief period, she taught catechesis classes. Around the age of 18, she had an experience that made her become more interested in spirituality. One night, while sleeping, he woke up to an intense light which lit up the entire room. At first, he was scared, because he didn't know what it was about and because of the distorted knowledge that was passed on to him about spirituality, which he imagined was not something good. This enlightened presence, sensing the hesitation, withdrew. Soon after, he realized that it could be a spiritual experience, and he began to pray, asking that he manifest himself once again, asking for forgiveness for the doubt and ignorance manifested at that moment. Some time later, she began to show a lot of heat in her hands, moments of premonition, she began to feel the presence of beings, to have revealing dreams, to develop intuition, among other manifestations, which led her to the search for spiritual teachings through the spiritist doctrine. , and courses in the holistic area from 2009 onwards.

He began the mediumistic work in groups that at first seemed to be aligned with a Divine proposal, but that in the course of the development of the work, it was noticed that they do not carry out a work consistent with divine teachings and higher laws. It was then that the separation of these groups occurred where, in 2014, they began to work in the area of complementary therapies alongside their biological sister Mary Maryah. During this period, he began to access stellar records and information about the spiritual reality of human beings and planet Earth, information that was shared with Mary, which strengthened the guidelines received for the further development of the teachings that would consolidate with the courses, lectures and workshops.

In 2017, when Mary Maryah received guidance from the Supraphysical Hierarchies regarding the restructuring of Reiki, she received confirmations that contributed to reformulating this knowledge. In this period, the purifications intensified, as a form of preparation to be able to receive more guidance and contribute to the teachings of the new Reiki structure, which became called Quantum Reiki Om Luz.

In 2019, when he started a new cycle of personal life, he began to receive more guidance regarding new geometries that would be inserted in the Reiki course, and this insertion took place only in 2020, when this technique entered the role. of Cosmic Healing, changing its name to Reiki Om Luz - The Cosmic Healing.

From this condition, the Om Luz Institute and its work move to the level of collaborator of the Supraphysical Hierarchies in Planetary and Humanitarian Healing, in the Operation Rescue Project, whose spiritual process aims to cooperate with these Divine Consciousness in planetary and humanitarian healing in the final times of the earth karma.

In conjunction with this planetary service, she also works as a Therapist at the Om Luz Institute, providing care for all people who go through deep karmic healing processes in their family, marital, personal, professional and spiritual environments. In addition to teaching the Reiki Om Luz course, in partnership with Mary Maryah, biological sister, as well as studies, lectures and therapeutic guidelines on the Youtube channel and the management of social media, elaboration of posts and editing of Om Luz Institute videos.

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