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Therapy of
Integrative Homeopathy

Homeopathy is also known as Homeopathic Medicine.

It is a Treatment that was developed by Samuel Christian Hahnemann at the end of the 18th century, and aims to treat the most varied physical and/or emotional diseases, stimulating the body's ability to heal itself.

It is an ALTERNATIVE SYSTEM. In homeopathy, medicines are administered for preventive and therapeutic purposes. The doses are extremely small and highly diluted, which produce characteristic symptoms of the disease/pathology presented, thus favoring healing through the law of similars, in which “like cures like”.

In homeopathy, a fundamental premise is that each person has an energy called a self-healing force or vital response. When this energy is disrupted or unbalanced, health problems begin to develop. Homeopathy aims to stimulate the body's own healing responses.

In order to recommend the most appropriate homeopathic medicine, a complete analysis of the patient's history is carried out, with a holistic view, including in addition to physical factors, but also emotional, mental, environmental, lifestyle, among other factors. . Homeopathy aims to focus on the individual rather than the disease to carry out the treatment.


Integrative Homeopathy developed by the Om Luz Institute also observes Family Genealogy, that is, events within the family that may have contributed to the development of some physical pathology or emotional and spiritual disorder, which are stored in cellular memories.

It is important to emphasize that it is a Complementary Treatment to the allopathic treatment already used by the patient.

This Treatment can be used for any disease manifested in the physical body, be it an allergy, gastric, uterine, respiratory problems, dermatitis, injuries, as well as in the prevention of pathologies, as it contributes to the strengthening of the immune system and responses.

  • Promotes health and well-being quickly and effectively;

  • It does not cause intoxication and has no contraindications;

  • It aims to stimulate the body's defenses by promoting an effective response to treatment;

  • Promotes rapid and lasting healing;

  • Prevents the emergence of hereditary diseases;

  • Performs the treatment of symptoms not diagnosed by conventional medicine;

  • It prevents and restores the body before the appearance of damage to organs and tissues, since the symptoms appear long before the manifestation of the pathology.

  • Prevents the emergence of diseases by strengthening the immune system;

  • It helps in the dilution of psychic, mental, emotional and spiritual issues.

  • It brings balance and harmony in all walks of life.

Our plans
  • Homeopatia Terapêutica Integrativa

    Primeira Sessão de Homeopatia Terapêutica Integrativa
    Valid for one month
    • PRIMEIRA AVALIAÇÃO 2Hs mais 1h para estudo da medicação
    • Uma Sessão ao Mês
  • Homeopatia Terapêutica Integrativa

    Valid for one month
    • Avaliação após o início do uso da Homeopatia
  • Homeopatia Terap Integrativa FAMILIAR

    Valid for one month
    • Avaliação Completa - 2hs mais estudo da medicação
    • Valor por Membro Familiar
  • Homeopatia Terap Integrativa Familiar

    Plano Familiar - REAVALIAÇÃO
    Valid for one month
    • Uma Sessão ao mês por Membro Familiar
    • Sessão Mensal de Reavaliação
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