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Work Philosophy

​The entire philosophical structure of the Om Luz Institute's work is based on the Ethical Guidelines and the Superior Divine Laws of the Planetary Hierarchies and the Supraphysical Hierarchies that sustain and act in the vibrational elevation of the entire material and immaterial Universe. In this evolutionary moment that the earthly orb lives, the Laws of Healing and Evolution that are being applied are: Law of Mercy; Law of Divine Grace and Law of Universal Divine Will.

These Hierarchies are also known as Sidereal Engineers, Ancients of Days or simply God. They act directly with the energy coming from the SOURCE, under monadic unfoldings of Angels and Archangels in the Intraterrestrial and Intraoceanic, Extraplanetary and Supraphysical Temples of the Earth Universe and outside Earth. These consciousnesses hold diverse divine codes of planetary, galactic and intergalactic healing. In the case of planet Earth this healing process is found in the monadic and supramonadic Adam Kadmon records.


Which is configured as a divine frequency that brought to this planet a project known as Celestial Human - Angelic Human, developing life systems through the evolutionary kingdoms: mineral, vegetable, animal, human being, Angel, Demi-God and God.  

A very expressive number of human souls in this current planetary moment are activating these divine codes, which enable them to reconnect with the Source, their Higher Self and Monad, thus generating an ascension process under the irradiation of the Cosmic Christ. And in this sense, Instituto Om Luz can cooperate through its therapeutic techniques and the work it develops on the YouTube channel.

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