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How and Why It Was Created

The Divine Consciousnesses that anchor this Institute are integral members of the Intergalactic Confederation, the Central Celestial Government, the Kumara Order, among other Orders and Fraternities that work with Superior Divine Laws. These cosmic structures are spiritually supported on Planet Earth by the Intraterrestrial Centers - ERKS, MIZ TLI TLAN, AURORA, IBERAH, ANUTEA, LIS FÁTIMA, among others.  The Intraoceanic, Extraplanetary and Supraphysical Centers also work with this level of evolution and spiritual healing, through their Temples of Healing.

These frequencies are known as the Om Luz Cosmic Healing Hierarchies, also referred to as Angels, Archangels and Eloins. They come from Immaterial Universes, carrying a Suprahuman or Supraphysical energy.

Mary Maryah and Margareth Ananda, can be called Daughters of Light, as they are connected to this Spiritual Structure for having chosen in other existences to go through a monadic evolutionary process with this Supraphysical energy.

This evolution takes effect through the activation of frequencies known as "Spiritual Mastery". This evolutionary level develops through an uninterrupted commitment to heal and purify oneself of involutive energies that all Sons of Light  acquired over many incarnations on the Earth planetary system.

In making an intense and true commitment to this level of healing, naturally these Daughters were directed to cooperate with the Cosmic Healing Hierarchies. Therefore, the Om Luz Institute is considered a divine service project with these Spiritual Hierarchies.

The service activity developed aims to rescue and raise the consciousness of Gaia and Humanity through the energy of Universal Christ Love and the Higher Laws of Light.

This work of self-healing, donation and service aims to assist in the process of planetary transition all forms of life existing on this planet, through the mineral, plant, animal and human kingdoms.

They develop projects that aim at precipitating the frequency of the Cosmic Christ for Gaia and in the heart of Humanity that is in full awakening of self-healing and self-knowledge under the aegis of the Great Family of the Cosmic Christ.

Christ is a frequency of light, acting in the formatting of Universes, galactic, stellar and planetary systems, which is based on Higher Divine Laws that are peace, love and harmony throughout the chain of creation.

The Cosmic supporters of the Om Luz Institute Proposal are known as Sidereal Engineers – Self Authorized Cosmic Divine Consciousnesses, called Father-Mother Creators of life in the Universe. Among the best known is Mith Ham Ell and its offshoots, Micah, Sananda, Jesus, active in the Universe where we are inserted, which is Nebadon, Teta-Naochi – Milky Way Stellar Quadrant, Satania or Velatropa. This Divine Consciousness creates planets, universes, star systems, galaxies, formats, manages and operationalizes co-creational projects in conjunction with its densest particles, known as Sons and Daughters - Masters or Christic Avatars, who are also creators of various Divine Projects of light in the Universe.

These co-creational projects have the participation of several Self-authored Consciousnesses, among them is the Archangelic Consciousness and Frequency Metatron, anchored by your Father-Mother Elder Metraton, of the Rose Fraternity of Orion. This Beloved Consciousness brought to the Orion System - 3 Marias - Betelgueuse, Belatrix - Mintaka and Betahen the genetic decoding Flower of Life, also known as "Metatron's Cube", which is the genetic configuration of the Creator Gods of Life of Havona. This frequency is the seed of life and enables the “Celestial-Angelical Human” evolutionary condition. Making each Son or Daughter a Divine Consciousness in polarized and physical worlds, through the development of Spiritual Mastery in connection with their Creator Father-Mother and Monadic Family. The Metatron Frequency is also known as the OM group of Divine Consciousness.

These Masters or Christic Avatars on the Earth Plane are known within various dimensional levels as Angels, Archangels, Elohins, Seraphim and Cherubim. They are also called Ancients of Days, Stellar Commanders, Silent Watchers, Christ Activators, Ascended Masters, among other denominations, according to the evolutionary level that their divine particles are, which are developing work on dimensional and multidimensional levels on this planet, on this Galaxy and Universe, as in other stellar and cosmic quadrants.

This frequency represents the Omnipotence, Omniscience and Omnipresence of Source – God, sustaining life in its most varied forms under the command of the Great Family of the Cosmic Christ. In this sense, any divine project that escapes harmony, love and peace does not fit the guidelines of action of this frequency of God of Light and Love.

The form of Management and Organization of the work of these Masters and Christic Avatars, creators of Life in Light and Love, are represented by the Supra Confederation, Multidimensional Confederation, Intergalactic Confederation and the Galactic Federation annexed to the Confederation. They unfolded in several Cosmic Orders to act in the Universe of Nebadon - Teta Naochi, Satania Star System or Velatropa - Milky Way - Earth, among them the Orders: Voronandeck, Melkizedeck, Mikaélica, Kumara, Goronandeck and Lanonandeck, among the best known.

In this sense, there are several divine creational projects of love and light being managed by these Cosmic Orders in this galactic and planetary moment, with the objective of working healing, liberation, evolution and spiritual ascension within the levels of the Christic flame that each human being or soul carries. in this planetary system, known as Earth. The Om Luz Institute is one of these projects.

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